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Singer Lena Horne to be Honored with United States Postage Stamp

Fans of the iconic Lena Horne will soon be able to see her face on postage stamps everywhere. In 2018, the United States Postal Service will honor the legendary singer, actress, and civil rights activist with her very own postage stamp in the Black Heritage Series.
The USPS Black Heritage series started in 1978 to celebrate the accomplishments of Black Americans and their vital role in U.S. history. The first stamp in the Black Heritage series featured Harriet Tubman (1820 - 1913) and next year, Lena Horne (1917 - 2010) will mark the 41st issuance of the Black Heritage series stamp. Other notable Black history makers who have been featured on the Black Heritage series stamp include Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 -1968), Malcolm X (1925 - 1965), John H. Johnson (1918 - 2005), Shirley Chisholm (1924 - 2005), Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable (1745 - 1818), and last year's honoree Dorothy Height (1912 - 2010). I remember one of my favorite artists, Mr. Chuck D of Public Enemy, once said in the song Fight The Power "most of my heroes don't appear on no stamp" ... but in fact, they do!
Lena Horne was a jazz singer and a trailblazer in Hollywood for women of color. In addition to being remembered for her popular songs and films, Horne is also known for her work as a spokesperson for civil rights during the 1940s - 1960s, even getting blacklisted because of her political views and social activism.
I've always loved Lena Horne and I am a huge fan of the Black Heritage stamp series. The new addition to the series gets my stamp of approval.
 Congratulations on the honor Ms. Horne! 


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