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Showing posts with the label coffee

How to Cure Your Holiday Hangover

One of the biggest celebration days of the year is finally here, New Year's Eve 2015!! Many people are getting ready to party like it's 1999 and if you're like me you're thinking a little bubbly can't hurt right? Wrong! Many people who consume alcoholic beverages on New Year's Eve face that dreadful feeling after a night of heavy drinking... The Hangover. You know that moment when the room just won't stop spinning, your stomach feels queasy, that disturbing pounding headache that won't go away, and without warning the toilet suddenly becomes your new BFF. Oh, and let's not forget all the promises made to God about how you'll never drink again! Will this be you on New Year's Day?? There are rituals people practice like taking aspirin before drinking to help prevent the headache. Or eating first to coat your tummy... that's an oldie but goodie, or how about drinking just as many cups of water as you drink cocktails. Truth...