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She's Got it in the Bag!

Ladies, have you ever found yourself carrying more in your purse than you should? Do you carry an oversized purse the size of a duffle bag? What about carrying both a purse and a second bag such as a tote? I see this every day going to and from work... women with an excessive amount of items draping from their shoulders, and I'm not referring to mothers who must carry diaper bags and additional items in their purse, but women with no children in tow. It's nothing wrong with carrying a stylishly oversized handbag or a cute tote, or both... the problem is the bigger the bag, the more you put in it, and before you know it you've got your whole life stashed away in your purse! So what's really in a purse that women feel they must have with them everywhere they go?

Well, being a woman isn't easy, we require a lot more than men do. I'll just get straight to it... for example, feminine products. Women need those dreadful items and it would be no fun walking around with maxi pads and tampons in our hands for everyone to see, so needless to say, that's a must have item that can almost always be found in a woman's purse. Another must have item is her wallet. Many women like to carry long wallets, not the ones that fit in the back pocket but the rectangular-shaped one that holds money, credit cards, gift cards, pictures of the kids, coupons, grocery lists, receipts, etc. Then of course there's the trusty makeup bag. For the diva who won't leave home without her face beat to the gods, she'll want to carry her makeup with her just in case her face needs touching-up. An average makeup bag could include: blush, mascara, foundation, eye liner, eye shadow, tweezers, a foundation brush, a blush brush, an eye shadow brush, a lip liner, and several shades of lipstick. Oh, let's not forget the lunch she packed plus the extra pair of shoes she carries in her bag because she wears flats or sneakers during the morning and evening commute... and that's just a short list of mandatory items one can find in a woman's purse. Of course the cell phone, tablet, comb, brush, dental floss, hairspray, hair accessories, perfume, eyeglasses, sunglasses, mini sewing kit, compact mirror, ink pens, pepper spray, gum, candy, keys, water bottle, lotion, nail polish, and a ton of other miscellaneous items are in there too! It's like her home away from home, her just-in-case kit.

Do women really need all of that stuff in their purse you ask? Well, to a certain degree, yes, sometimes we need every single item mentioned and at other times it's completely unnecessary to lug all of that stuff around each and every day. While carrying the hottest handbag or tote may make you the envy of women everywhere it does have its risks.  According to Dr. Ayla Azad, chiropractor and VP of the Ontario Chiropractic Association, carrying too much weight on your shoulders on a daily basis can cause injury and stress to the body. Females don’t realize that it’s their bag [causing the discomfort], she says. They think it’s the way they’re sitting at their computer, or how they lift something, when it’s actually the repetitive action of carrying their purse every day. Dr. Azad says the heaviness of your handbag can cause many health problems including:

1. Poor posture
 2. Upper neck and back pain
 3. Muscle spasms
 4. Tension headaches
 5. Tendinitis of the elbow
 6. Injury to the rotator cuff muscles in the shoulder
 7. Sciatica (including nerve pain in the buttocks and down the legs)
 8. Numbness or tingling in the arms, hands or fingers due to pinched nerves

Below are some suggestions Dr. Azad thinks could help if you have experienced any of the problems above:

1. Don't Dig to Deep, Choose the Right Bag 
Contrary to what some may think, a bigger bag isn’t better. The larger the bag, the more that you can shove into it, the more weight you have, she says. If you have a smaller bag, you’re less likely to put stuff in it that you don’t need because you don’t have the space.

2. It's All in the Fabric
Leather bags — even when empty — are heavier than fabric or nylon bags. Choose a lighter fabric option to help lighten your load and make sure it has different compartments to distribute the weight evenly otherwise all your stuff will end up in one spot in the bag, making it very heavy to carry.

3. Chain links and Skinny Straps, Oh No!
They may look fly but they could also dig into your shoulder. The acromioclavicular joint, where your collar bone meets your shoulder blade, has little ligaments. If your purse digs into that joint, it can create pain and irritation, says Dr. Azad. A wider strap of five centimeters or more won’t pinch your shoulder, and “will distribute the weight of the bag more evenly, she says. The thicker, the better.

4. Away With All of the ExtrasGo for a bag that’s simple and classic without all of the extra tassels and buckles, they will only add more weight.

5. Carry With Care
Carrying your bag in the crook of your arm can cause you to injure your elbow and could possibly cause tendinitis says Dr. Azad, Carry it by hand and alternate it from side to side, says Dr. Azad. She also says it's not a good idea to hike your purse up one shoulder to keep the straps from falling down because it will tighten that side. That bad posture, over time, will create shoulder, neck, and upper back pain because muscles have to work extra hard. Dr. Azad recommends alternating the purse throughout the day, or carrying your bag diagonally like a crossbody purse so your back and shoulders aren’t solely responsible for the weight. Your core muscles will help carry the load. Switch the purse diagonally side to side through the day, she advises.

6. Process of Elimination
A full purse shouldn’t weigh more than 10 percent of your body weight, so if you’re 150 pounds, your bag (and its contents) shouldn’t be more than 15 pounds. Dr. Azad suggests taking only the bare necessities. Carry cash- not coins and please leave the key chains with a thousand keys on it at home. As far as the makeup collection goes ladies, if you must have it with you, narrow it down to a few items. If all of this seems impossible to do, Dr. Azad suggests having two bags, or using a carry-on sized bag with wheels. It’s a great option if you must carry a lot of heavy stuff like a laptop, she says.

7. Backpacks Aren't Just for Students
When worn the right way, backpacks distribute weight properly, and there are plenty of stylish ones that aren't too big and won't make you feel like a kid again. Carry the backpack with both straps, wearing it snug against your back, not loose and hanging down by your butt. And put the heaviest items against your back, says Dr. Azad.

When to Seek Professional
If you’ve found that you have eliminated just about everything from your purse, but you are still experiencing pain, you should seek professional help. If your symptoms keep getting worse, see a chiropractor, physiotherapist, or physician, and get some treatment, says Dr. Azad.

So ladies, stop walking around town looking like a fierce bag lady carrying two or three bags of nothing, even if the bag is worth a few hundred bucks. Remember the old saying less is more? Your body will appreciate it in the long run and so will you. Lighten up ladies!


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