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Single Wives Sit Down with Relationship Expert Stephan Labousierre!

Hey World! 

I recently had a chance to catch up with Relationship Expert Stephan Labousierre and he gave me the tea on love, being the other woman, sex on the first date, and why "Mr. Right" is still single. You don't want to miss what be had to say during our interview... grab a hold to your seats ladies and gentlemen, ish just got REAL!! Check it out....

SWC: You are a certified Relationship Expert and Coach, and you have appeared on various radio shows giving advice. When did you know you wanted to help people tap into their love life and relationships?
SLPeople would always come to me for advice so I always kind of knew I was supposed to help people but it really became clear to me when I formed a closer relationship with God.
SWC: What are the 3 Dating Mistakes women make?
SL: Well some of the dating mistakes women make are:
  1. Thinking a man is going to chase her. Women should not think that. Basically the woman is trying to protect herself so she doesn’t put herself out there but you can’t really expect someone to do what you won’t do. Women always say “He has to show me who he is first” like she’s testing him or something but in reality both the man and the woman are trying to get to know each other and sometimes the woman should show the man who she is too. When a woman has fears that she hasn’t dealt with she’ll always find something wrong with the man. It’s okay to be a little vulnerable and put yourself out there for the right person. Women you need to conquer your fears so you can be open and ready for love, otherwise you’ll only hurt yourself. Good guys who have got it together don’t have time to try and break down walls, jump through hoops and pass all sorts of tests just to get to know you.
  2. Intuition. Women have a strong sense of intuition and it’s very rare that she gets blind-sided. If you think and feel that a man isn’t right for you chances are he’s not. If you know he’s not giving you what you desire or what you deserve then get rid of him. Women always tend to stay in relationships that aren’t working for them, sometimes thinking it’ll get better or he’ll change. Trust your intuition.
  3. Communication is one of the biggest problems men and women have in relationships but I’ll let you in on a little secret ladies, MEN ARE NOT MIND READERS! Ladies, you have to let men know what you’re thinking. The most popular question men ask me is “How do you know for sure a woman likes you?” It’s up to you ladies to let him know. What may have worked for one woman may not work for the next woman. Men need confirmation because every woman isn’t the same.
 SWC: On your website Stephan Speaks Real Love, Real Relationships, Real Talk you discuss a lot of topics, not only pertaining to women but men too. You have an article about the 12 Reasons Why “Good Men” Are Single. I’m sure a lot of women have met the guy who’s dashingly handsome or the one who’s very successful but he’s as single as a dollar bill. What’s up with that, why are these so-called “good men” still single? To read more of my Single Wives Sit Down with Stephan Labousierre click here.... The Single Wives Club


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