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Showing posts from December, 2012

Who Made it Big in 2012: Year In Review

Say bye, bye to the year 2012, in a few more hours it will be on its way out the door! Some may be sad to see it end and others can't wait for it to be over. There were some highs and some lows throughout the year... Hurricane Sandy took us by storm, Sandy Hook broke our hearts, Jeremy Lin became a household name, Lebron got the ring, President Obama goes for 2-Terms, and we found out no one's secret is safe; Edward and Bella's real life love affair split, the Olympics finally arrived, Basketball Wives didn't look so pretty, Twitter activists #FreeKONY, 50 Shades, 007, Dark Knight Rises, and Hunger Games mania; Blue Ivy Carter was born, Trayvon Martin died, along with the greatest voice, the queen of disco, the man on the moon, musical pioneers, a hairdressing legend, a football great, JR, George Jefferson and so many more... Whew! Who Made it Big in 2012?   Made Noise in 2012   Rest In Peace

U Look So Much Better When U...

Kwanzaa: Celebration At Its Best!

Habari gani?! Happy Kwanzaa! Today is  " Kujichagulia" (koo-jee-cha-goo-LEE-yah), the second day of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa (kwahn-zuh) is not a religion, it's a holiday widely celebrated by African Americans from December 26th- January 1st. This year marks the 46th annual Kwanzaa holiday!! The name Kwanzaa comes from the Swahili phrase "matunda ya kwanza," which means the first fruits of the harvest, and it's based on the year-end harvest festivals that have taken place for thousands of years in Africa. During Kwanzaa, celebrants greet each other by saying " Habari gani ?" or " What's the news?" This seven-day holiday is filled with honorable principles and actions marking each day as unique and special. The seven principles provide the answers to the question, "Habari gani?" Today's principle Kujichagulia means self-determination and its action is- to define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, a...

Beware of the Dark

Small kids are usually afraid of the dark. Sometimes they are scared to enter a dark room or even scared to go to sleep in the dark. Darkness can be a little intimidating to both kids and adults if you allow it to be. While I'm not really afraid of the dark (at least not in familiar places lol!) I am afraid of the darkness that is in the air.. There seems to be a dark spirit looming around causing things to go terribly wrong. Anyone with a heart is mourning with the families in Newtown, Connecticut. What would possess someone to commit such a violent act? Some of God's youngest angels are gone, too soon. I won't even talk about all of the senseless murders that are taking place on the streets of various cities, including my own, Chicago. These young men are so trigger happy, no one values a precious life anymore. And then there's the Kansas City Chiefs football player who left his new baby girl in this world with no parents to care for her. Why? ...